Monday, February 7, 2011

Adding flavor to your HCG diet without hindering your results!

So earlier today I posted all about my cocoa experiment. Well we also ventured into Trader Joe's last night and found their salsa Verde. We used it on grilled tuna steaks last night and all I can say in NUMMY and no weight gain! We used under 2 tablespoons and it added a new zip to our diet. We are both redoing our 14 days of HCG due to a family emergency we had, "fallen off the wagon." (See it happens to all of us...just make sure to get back on!) I could easily use this on just about anything!
Another new tingle we have added to our taste buds is Balsamic Vinegar. Not only can you use it as a tangy salad dressing but we have been making marinades and sauteing our vegetables in it. Just another way to keep it tasty and interesting while on the HCG Diet.
Balsamic-Glazed Tuna Steaks Recipe
I am always here to provide mentor ship and ideas!


  1. Is there anything else that you mix with the balsamic vinegar to make it into a dressing? as I cannot stand the taste alone. that is why I put Pico on my salads.

  2. We mixed it with some spices and liquid smoke. So nummy!
