Saturday, July 27, 2013

FDA approved skin rejuvenation with little downtime!

What is eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation?

eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation is an FDA approved procedure that can correct loose, sagging facial skin, minor wrinkles, acne scars, poor skin tone, skin lesions, and skin texture irregularities.

How does it work? eMatrix uses radiofrequency energy, rather than laser energy, to treat damaged underlying dermal tissue without burning, removing or disturbing the surface skin. Essentially the treatment removes microscopic bits of damaged skin beneath the skin surface. As the remaining skin heals, new collagen is produced. The result is tighter, smother, brighter looking skin.

How Long Does this Procedure Take? A typical eMatrix treatment takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

How many treatments are required? Generally a series of 3 treatments are performed at 3 to 4 week intervals. However, patients generally see an improvement in the overall texture and tone of their skin, along with a reduction in fine wrinkles and scars, after just the first treatment.

How long will the results last? Patients can expect eMatrix results to be long-term after completing an eMatrix treatment package. Infrequent touch-up eMatrix sessions may be recommended to maintain the best level of results.

Is there any downtime after the procedure? Since ablation mostly occurs beneath the skin’s surface, recovery is quick and downtime is minimal.  Patients will generally experience mild to moderate redness (much like a sunburn) and mild swelling. After treatment, most patients return to work the next day.

Is treatment painful? Most patients report minimal to no pain or discomfort during or after treatment.

Can all skin types be treated? Yes. Since the procedure uses radiofrequency energy, all skin types can be safely treated.

How do I know if the procedure is right for me? Brilliant Bodywork at (608) 783-8380 to schedule a free consultation.

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