Saturday, April 30, 2011
Mlis Detox Day 6
Down another pound today and my energy is amazing! I am still doing the detox mixture more so because I am on the road this weekend and it is much easier for me to travel with my bottle of lemon mixture than a cooler. No headaches lastnight or today thank goodness! This detox/ceanse is much easier then I thought it would be!
Friday, April 29, 2011
M'lis Detox Day 5
Well again today I am down one pound and better headache went away sometime early last night. I am thinking that the skin breakouts and mild headaches were my healing crisis. These events or cases of the blahs during the detox are normal and seen as a very positive event as it means that your body is healing. While going through the detox your body is cleansing and detoxifying. It is throwing out poisons and using the energy it has saved from the hard-to-digest meals that have been discontinued. This is the bodies natural way of cleansing and healing. The best thing to do it drink plenty of distilled water and take a nap. A healing crisis can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Each healing crisis that is experienced is followed by increased vitality and improved well being. I can vouch. Today I feel WONDERFUL and I am so happy I have decided to do this for myself. I can continue to do the lemon mixture for up to ten days. Today is day 3 of the liquid detox portion. I plan to do the lemon mixture at least one maybe two more days as I will be on the road a lot this weekend and it would be easy to just continue and get a deeper cleanse. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
M'lis Detoxification
Available at Brilliant Bodywork! Free shipping!
Email for more information.
Signs of a Toxic Body
- Fatigue / lack of energy.
- Overweight / underweight.
- Digestive problems (gas, ulcers, heartburn, IBS).
- Irregularity (constipation / diarrhea).
- Cravings or addictions.
- Headaches.
- Mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability.
- Allergies, hayfever, asthma.
- Low resistance to illness and infection.
- Skin disorders.
- Smoking.
M’lis Program Highlights
- It is estimated that 95% of all degenerative disease begins in the colon. Detoxification is a way to lessen the symptoms of and prevent disease.
- All organs and systems of the body are cleansed and allowed to rejuvenate.
- The immune system is strengthened.
- Energy and mental clarity are increased.
- Dependencies on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine are reduced.
- Bad eating habits are broken.
- 3-8Ibs. of water and waste are lost.
- The body’s natural tract is restored.
Why Detoxify?
The only way that toxins are eliminated from the body is through the natural processes of detoxification, which occurs through the skin by perspiration, through the colon by evacuation, through the kidneys by urination, and through the lungs by respiration. When the body has accumulated more toxins than it can handle, the body in its amazing natural healing process attempts a healing response. It must force the toxins out or the body will disease and die.Toxins are eliminated out of body openings (eyes, ears, nose, rectum, urinary tract and skin). When you have a common cold, you observe mucus, pus, and fluids coming out of every opening of the body. This fluid contains toxic poisons, bacteria, and dead or damaged cells and tissues. The removal of toxin is not an illness or a disease, it is a biological cleansing process done naturally by the body. If toxins are suppressed by the chemical stuffing of symptoms, the body begins to store them. The toxins go deep into the cells and tissues and begin to cause degenerative damage, leading to lethargy, sickness, and eventually to life threatening disease. A person finally passes the point where the body no longer has the ability to cleanse and heal itself. Cells begin to die in body organs, glands and systems. Detoxification helps to reverse this process by enabling the body to rid itself of these toxins and other trapped waste materials.
For a person in good basic health, detoxification on a regular basis will help prevent illness and degenerative disease. For those with health problems, detoxification will allow the body to heal, naturally and without continuing the cycle of chemical stuffing of symptoms.
The Detoxification Process
The M’lis program consists of a liquid diet, using of a mixture of fresh lemon juice, distilled water, and pure maple syrup. It is recommended that at least two quarts per day be consumed. These ingredients provide all the vitamins and minerals you’ll need for the duration of the cleanse. For this reason, you will not be experiencing a fast, but a liquid food that will help to cleanse the systems of the body.- Lemon juice is rich in water-soluble vitamins that the body cannot store.
- Pure maple syrup is a balanced form of natural sugar that will not cause insulin response. It is also rich in minerals that the body needs.
- Distilled water dilutes the toxins and helps to flush them from the body. Because distilled water does not contain minerals, it acts as a leech to pull impurities from the system.
- In addition to the juice mixture, you will be taking herbal formulations contained in a M’lis Detoxification Kit that help the cleansing process.
- DETOX Body Purifier removes toxins and mucus from the major organs and helps to purify the blood stream and cleanse the lymphatic system.
- CLEANSE Intestinal Cleanser is an herbal bowel tonic that cleans hard encrustation of old fecal matter. It also provides nutrients to help restore peristaltic action of colon and helps expel parasites and worms.
- FIBER Wheat Bran & Psyllium restores dietary fiber to the system, cleans bowels and intestines without calories, and helps to lower the cholesterol level. Psyllium cleans debris from the system and will combat constipation
- The typical detoxification cleanse lasts three days. However, it is possible to detoxify up to ten days if that is the desire.
Can I detoxify for longer than 3 days?
Yes. People with more severe toxicity could benefit by cleansing for longer periods. However, it is more desirable to utilize the program regularly for 3-4 days each time.Can I detoxify by just fasting with water?
Yes, but the M’lis Detoxification program is much better than water fasting. It aids in the rebuilding process and cleanses without weakening. Because many people are already deficient as well as toxic, the longer they go without food, the greater the deficiency.Why is it important to use distilled water?
Distilled water is pure, which means it has no chemicals or bacteria to interfere with the cleansing process. Do not use bottled mineral water since it may contain concentrations of heavy metals. Soft water is also a poor choice because of its high sodium content.Can I use other juices?
Yes. Any unsweetened fruit juice may be substituted, if necessary, but it is not the most efficient method. Lemon juice contains important building aids and its astringent action makes it a superb cleansing agent. Fresh, ripe lemons are best of course, but frozen concentrate can be used if fresh are not available.Will I be hungry during detoxification?
Because eating is a habit, you may have a desire to eat, but you should not feel hungry. If you do, simply drink the lemon juice mixture more often. Because this mixture is food in liquid form, it gets into the bloodstream quickly and allays hunger.What if I feel like I must eat?
Most people find that detoxification can be difficult because eating has become a pastime in our society, and we have come to crave the taste of foods. The first time can be especially taxing. If you feel like you must eat, first increase the amount of maple syrup in your mixture. This will raise the blood sugar level, which increases energy. If that doesn’t work, try a short nap and additional water. As a last resort, eat an apple or banana, and then try to continue on with the program as outlined. Call your M’lis educator for further suggestions.Why is it important to use maple syrup?
First, maple syrup contains many minerals and vitamins. For this reason, it will provide the body with energy. Second, pure maple syrup is a balanced, natural sweetener and can be used without causing an insulin response. Because of this, hypoglylcemics can use the program without fear of lowering or raising blood sugar levels.Can I detoxify if I have hypoglycemia?
Yes. Detoxifying is especially beneficial to hypoglycemics. Be sure to use only pure maple syrup in the lemon juice mixture. Honey or other sweeteners will trigger an insulin response. M’lis SLENDER AID will also help to regulate blood sugar levels.Won’t the lemon juice mixture cause too much acid for my sensitive stomach?
No. Although lemon is an acid fruit, it turns alkaline as it is digested and aids in attaining a proper pH balance.How does detoxification affect cellulite?
Cellulite is waste materials trapped in connective tissues and fat cells, and is very resistant to ordinary dieting and exercise. While M’lis Detoxification will not remove cellulite, it does clean out the intestinal tract, thereby speeding up the elimination of wastes from the body.What if I have undesirable symptoms when detoxifying?
Many toxins can be pulled out of the body’s tissues and put back into circulation in order to be eliminated. Some people may have feelings of illness or undesirable symptoms, and some may even experience the recurrence of ailments from years past during this process. This is called a healing crisis. It is a natural and positive event that means the program is working, and the body has begun the detoxification process. This is temporary. Drink plenty of the lemon juice mixture and water to dilute and continually flush the toxins. A warm Epsom salt bath or a nap may be helpful.Will I have energy during the cleanse?
Yes, as toxins are expelled from the system, the energy levels rises. If you are not as energetic as you feel you should be, simply add a little more maple syrup to the lemon juice mixture. This will raise and maintain your blood sugar level.Can anyone detoxify?
You should first consult your physician if you are presently under medical care, are on prescribed medication, are over 65 years old, or have any type of serious medical condition. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not detoxify.Is detoxification safe?
Yes. This type of internal cleanse has been used safely for periods of up to two months over the last 20 years. However, M’lis recommends the cleanse for 3-10 days only.M'Lis Detox Day 4
Well loyal followers, I am happy to say that when I stepped on the scale this morning I was down 3 pounds! My energy level is still good and I am still sipping this lemon, distilled water and maple syrup mixture and grazing on the herbal supplements all day. I went to bed last night and woke up this morning with a mild headache but on a good note my face, back and chest are clearing up already! M'lis says that you can do this part of the cleanse for 3-10days and I am playing it by ear for now to see how long I can endure the mixture. I am looking forward to my solid foods again but not feeling physically hungry at all. Happy Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
M'lis Detox day 2 & 3...
Well two was pretty uneventful. Followed the same routine as day one with lots of vegetables, fruit, water and lean protein and lost .8lbs since yesterday. Today I am grazing on my M'lis supplements and a quart of the fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and distilled water mixture. This starts the three days of liquid diet. My supplements include M'lis daily multi vitamin, Cleanse, Detox, Fiber, Cell-u-Rid, Evening Primrose oil, Slender Aid, and Biotin.
The Daily provides me with 100% RDA of all essential vitamins and minerals. The Cleanse is a combination of 9 herbs that have an extremely beneficial effect on the entire intestinal tract. It is also a bowel tonic and rebuilding formula that helps to improve the intestinal absorption of vital nutrients while decreasing the absorption of toxins. The Detox is a combination of 11 herbs that work together to rid the liver, kidneys and bowels of accumulated toxins and other waste materials and serves as a blood purifier. Fiber cleans the bowels and intestines without calories, helps to lower cholesterol levels and clean debris from the system through scrubbing the colon and absorbing toxins. Cell-u-Rid contains a combination of pure, natural herbs that work together as a mild herbal diuretic to soften and break down cellulite and help stimulate and strengthen the waste elimination system. Evening Primrose Oil contains Omega 6 fatty acids that play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), they help build up the immune system, stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system. Slender Aid balances blood sugar levels in the body, helping to appease the appetite and increase energy levels. This product has also been shown to help reduce nervous tension, support the body’s cleansing system and promote the metabolism of dangerous fat deposits that adhere to the heart and other vital organs. Last but not least is my Biotin (The only supplement that I take NOT from M'Lis) Helps with healthy skin, hair and nail growth.
I started showing signs of detoxification on my face, chest and back which is very abnormal for me. (Breakouts) This is a normal part of the cleanse that everyone will go through in different ways and they say it typically starts at the head and works its way down the body. I eagerly await for it to move past my face. My energy has been very good and I have not been hungry at all. I will continue to keep you all posted as I travel through this leg of my journey!
The Daily provides me with 100% RDA of all essential vitamins and minerals. The Cleanse is a combination of 9 herbs that have an extremely beneficial effect on the entire intestinal tract. It is also a bowel tonic and rebuilding formula that helps to improve the intestinal absorption of vital nutrients while decreasing the absorption of toxins. The Detox is a combination of 11 herbs that work together to rid the liver, kidneys and bowels of accumulated toxins and other waste materials and serves as a blood purifier. Fiber cleans the bowels and intestines without calories, helps to lower cholesterol levels and clean debris from the system through scrubbing the colon and absorbing toxins. Cell-u-Rid contains a combination of pure, natural herbs that work together as a mild herbal diuretic to soften and break down cellulite and help stimulate and strengthen the waste elimination system. Evening Primrose Oil contains Omega 6 fatty acids that play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), they help build up the immune system, stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system. Slender Aid balances blood sugar levels in the body, helping to appease the appetite and increase energy levels. This product has also been shown to help reduce nervous tension, support the body’s cleansing system and promote the metabolism of dangerous fat deposits that adhere to the heart and other vital organs. Last but not least is my Biotin (The only supplement that I take NOT from M'Lis) Helps with healthy skin, hair and nail growth.
I started showing signs of detoxification on my face, chest and back which is very abnormal for me. (Breakouts) This is a normal part of the cleanse that everyone will go through in different ways and they say it typically starts at the head and works its way down the body. I eagerly await for it to move past my face. My energy has been very good and I have not been hungry at all. I will continue to keep you all posted as I travel through this leg of my journey!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Steel-cut Oats for Breakfast
Steel-cut oatmeal is my new favorite hot breakfast. It has more texture than rolled or flaked oats and really sticks to your ribs. But this tasty cereal takes about 25 to 30 minutes to cook — not what you need when you’re trying to get out the door. So I make a batch that will last a few days; it keeps well in the refrigerator, and you can reheat small portions gently atop the stove or in the microwave. You can also freeze this oatmeal in ice cube trays.
2 cups low-fat milk
1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1 cup steel-cut oats
1 teaspoon unsalted butter (optional)
2 to 4 tablespoons dried fruit, such as raisins, chopped dried apricots, dried cranberries
1 to 2 teaspoons maple syrup, agave syrup, honey or brown sugar (more to taste)
Fresh fruit (such as diced apples and pears, optional)
1. Combine the water, milk and salt in a large, heavy saucepan, and bring to a boil. Slowly add the oats, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Stir in the butter, dried fruit and sweetener. Cover, and continue to simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes, stirring often to prevent the cereal from sticking to the bottom of the pan, until the oats are soft and the mixture is creamy. Serve, with added fruit stirred in if desired, or refrigerate and reheat as desired. Or freeze as follows:
2. Line ice cube trays with plastic wrap. Fill each cube with oatmeal, cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Once frozen solid, remove the cubes from the ice tray and freeze in a plastic bag. For each portion, thaw three or four cubes in a microwave on the defrost setting. Add additional warm milk if desired.
Sometimes instead of Maple Syrup I will use M'Lis Sweet! A nummy substitute that adds sweetness and fiber!
Yield: Four servings.
Advance preparation: Cooked steel-cut oats will keep for five days in the refrigerator and can be reheated atop the stove or in the microwave.
2 cups low-fat milk
1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1 cup steel-cut oats
1 teaspoon unsalted butter (optional)
2 to 4 tablespoons dried fruit, such as raisins, chopped dried apricots, dried cranberries
1 to 2 teaspoons maple syrup, agave syrup, honey or brown sugar (more to taste)
Fresh fruit (such as diced apples and pears, optional)
1. Combine the water, milk and salt in a large, heavy saucepan, and bring to a boil. Slowly add the oats, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer 15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Stir in the butter, dried fruit and sweetener. Cover, and continue to simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes, stirring often to prevent the cereal from sticking to the bottom of the pan, until the oats are soft and the mixture is creamy. Serve, with added fruit stirred in if desired, or refrigerate and reheat as desired. Or freeze as follows:
2. Line ice cube trays with plastic wrap. Fill each cube with oatmeal, cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Once frozen solid, remove the cubes from the ice tray and freeze in a plastic bag. For each portion, thaw three or four cubes in a microwave on the defrost setting. Add additional warm milk if desired.
Sometimes instead of Maple Syrup I will use M'Lis Sweet! A nummy substitute that adds sweetness and fiber!
Yield: Four servings.
Advance preparation: Cooked steel-cut oats will keep for five days in the refrigerator and can be reheated atop the stove or in the microwave.
Monday, April 25, 2011
M'Lis Detoxification Program Day 1
So here I am at day number one. Today started by removing all red meat, sugar and white flour from my diet. I have been munching on fresh fruits, vegetables and will be having salmon for dinner. I followed the nutritional supplement schedule perfectly and to be honest I was a bit over whelmed with the amount of supplements I would have to take today. Great thing I remember Kimmie and Ginny's advice to graze on them all day with plenty of water! No cravings yet today but I think the main reason for that is I ate so much yesterday for Easter! (Had to get my last cadbury eggs in!) It feels refreshing to be on a eating plan again and I think this is a good opportunity to cut sugars, sodas and empty calorie foods from my diet once again. I am praying that I will be able to keep them out of my diet for good after this detox as I know they serve no nutritional purpose. I preach a lot to my clients about live vs dead food...and I don't always practice what I preach. This will be a 30 day cleanse of those forbidden foods and a new start for me!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Effects of Caffeine on the body and mind...
The Side Effects Of Caffeine
Remember the days when we used to talk about our problems over a cup of coffee? Well, now coffee is the problem. Rather than getting the edge, we've found that coffee makes us edgy. Some people drink three cups of coffee, a few cokes, and take a couple Excedrin all in the course of a morning. That amounts to over 500 mg. of caffeine. Is it any wonder the use of tranquilizers is one of the most prevalent drugs prescribed in America? In fact, one in seven adult Americans take some sort of tranquilizer to calm their nerves. Taking
stimulants and tranquilizers is like driving with your foot on the gas and the brakes at the same time. Its all too easy for doctors to misdiagnose a case of out-and-out caffeinism as anxiety neurosis caused by emotional factors.
Coffee is the number one drink in America with six of ten adults drinking it every day. Caffeine is probably the most widely used drug in America, and it has absolutely no nutritional value. With this wonder drug, people think they can get the jump on their fellow man. And teenagers love cola, which accounts for 25% of the total caffeine consumption. It is estimated that 30% of Americans take between 500-600 mg. of caffeine
per day, and 10% use more than 1000 mg. per day. The average person, including children, consumes 200 mg. per day. One cup of coffee contains 100-150 mg. and one to two cups exceed the level at which your brain can be adversely affected.
HABITUATION IS CAFFEINE'S SECRET OF SUCCESS. Caffeine enters all organs and tissues of
the body within a few minutes of ingestion. Ninety percent is metabolized and only 10% is excreted unchanged in the urine. Caffeine may be subtle and obscured by the multifactored nature of many chronic disease states. You may be thinking, hey, everybody drinks coffee, tea or coke Can it be that bad? Well,
its time you understand some of the side effects of caffeine, and if you are having any of the symptoms we are about to describe, it may be well to discontinue consuming anything with caffeine. We have categorized how caffeine affects all the systems of the body for better understanding.
Caffeine's Effects On The Nervous System:
1. In children, it may cause damage to the brain and central nervous system development. A Survey revealed that even pregnant women consume an average of 193 mg. of caffeine per day. And 13% (or over 400,000) pregnant women drink five or more cups of coffee per day, causing thousands of birth defects.
2. Caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant. Large doses may impair motor function, where delicate coordination is required.
3. High doses can produce symptoms indistinguishable from anxiety neurosis.
4. Caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, jitteriness, muscle tension and trembling.
5. It can also cause headaches, shaky hands, and even hallucinations.
6. Caffeine is the principle cause of restless leg syndrome. This results in insomnia and an uncomfortable feeling caused by involuntary movement of the legs.
7. Children have increased hyperactivity and insomnia from cocoa and cola drinks. Too many parents cant figure out why they cant control their kids and why they cant sleep when the reason is due to the caffeine they consume.
8. Caffeine has significant effects on muscle contractions, relaxing smooth muscle and increasing the contraction of skeletal muscles.
9. Caffeine may mask mental and physical fatigue. This may be dangerous if used while driving. It is not a substitute for normal rest or sleep.
10. Caffeine may interact with other drugs.
11. Caffeine is habit-forming and addictive.
12. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is destroyed by both coffee and tea. Any heavy coffee drinker is likely to be deficient in B1 which is crucial to mental health and tranquility. It is called the morale vitamin. Lack of thiamine causes nervous exhaustion, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of memory, depression, constipation,
inability to concentrate, feelings of inadequacy, lethargy, and intense drowsiness.
13. Caffeine could trigger psychosis through its action on a set of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. They convey information across microscopic gaps, called synapses, between nerve cells in the brain. Caffeine causes significant changes in these different transmitter systems. Caffeine taken in ordinary doses is a threat to your mental health.
14. The American Pharmaceutical Associations handbook on Non-Prescription Drugs says: doses larger than 250 mg. often cause insomnia, restlessness, irritability, nervousness, tremor, headache, and in rare cases, a form of delirium manifested as the perceived noises and flashes of light. (5 edition, 1977) It takes just two cups of strong black coffee to deliver 300 mg. of caffeine, and the latest survey by the international coffee organization found that Americans age 10 and over drink coffee at a rate higher than two cups a day.
15. All mental and physical stimulation ceases if you consume more than two cups at time. After two cups, coffee acts to slow your reaction time and impair your thinking.
16. Caffeine could well be one of the most frequent causes of chronic recurrent headaches.
17. Ten grams (40 cups) may cause grand Mal seizure, respiratory failure and death.
Effect On The Heart And Circulatory System:
1. Coffee increases the free fatty acids causing an increase in blood fats and cholesterol associated with heart attack and other cardiovascular disease.
2. Caffeine can cause heart palpitations and lightheadedness.
3. It can cause flushing as it dilates the blood vessels.
4. Caffeine can cause tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) as caffeine stimulates the cardiac muscle.
5. Caffeine can cause coronary disease, heart disease and high blood pressure.
6. There is an increase in myocardial infraction (lack of blood supply to the heart) among coffee drinkers.
7. There is a 60% increase in heart attacks associated with consumption of 1-5 cups per day and 120% increase with more than 5 cups per day. Yet, some coronary care units still serve coffee, tea, and cola drinks.
8. Heart specialists have recognized coffee as a mild poison.
Effects Of Caffeine On The Gastrointestinal System:
1. Coffee increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causing hyperacidity. This accounts for the burning sensation reported by ulcer patients. There is a 72% greater chance of developing ulcers in coffee drinkers compared to non-users. Caffeine aggravates the symptoms of peptic ulcer.
2. Coffee drinkers are twice as likely to develop cancer of the pancreas than non-users. Coffee could cause more than half of the cancer of the pancreas in the U.S., according to Harvard researchers. This deadly form of cancer takes the lives of 20,000 Americans annually. One to two cups per day doubled the risk; three or
more tripled the risk. Cancer of the pancreas is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Less than 1% survives more than five years.
3. Caffeine affects how your body absorbs iron, leading to anemia. Strong coffee takes twice as much iron from being absorbed, and using cream worsens the effect. The tannic acid in tea also combines with iron to form a non-digestible complex that is passed out of the body.
4. Caffeine accumulates in the body in liver disease.
5. Caffeine is a possible stimulating factor in cancer of the stomach.
6. Caffeine stimulates the secretions of the small intestines.
7. Caffeine stimulates water secretion and can cause nausea and loose stools.
8. Caffeine causes a hypoglycemic response in the presence of glucose, and it elevates blood glucose.
9. Caffeine alters the metabolic status of human beings and can increase your metabolic rate 10-25% with 500 mg. of caffeine.
Caffeine's Effects On The Kidneys, Bladder, And Prostate:
1. A study at Harvard showed a correlation between coffee and cancer of the bladder. Cola drinkers have a significant increase in bladder cancer.
2. Fluid retention, which persisted 10 years, was caused by daily ingestion of 18 cups a day by a patient who complained of being a nervous wreck. All symptoms disappeared when she quit coffee.
3. Under conditions of stress from dehydration, temperature changes, and decreased food intake, caffeine is even more toxic.
4. Alcohol and caffeine have been shown to be physiological antagonists. Alcohol consumption is increased in rates when caffeine is added to the diet.
5. Caffeine is a diuretic. It causes frequent urination.
6. There is a correlation between national coffee ingestion and prostate cancer.
Birth Defects And Congenital Malformations:
1. FDA scientists are advising pregnant women to avoid caffeine-containing foods and drugs. They are considering putting a warning on coffee to pregnant women due to the risk of fetal malformations.
2. Caffeine crosses the placenta to the baby and even gets into the breast milk.
3. Birth defects may include: Cleft palate, digital defects, joint defects, absence of a jaw, unusual smallness of a lower jaw, blood tumors, club feet and delayed skeletal development.
4. In England, Ectrodactyly (a congenital absence of all or part of the fingers or toes) has been connected to heavy caffeine consumption during pregnancy.
5. In large doses it has been shown to be a mutagen in animals, plants and bacteria.
6. Caffeine may also cause abortion.
Miscellaneous Side Effects:
1. Caffeine is a stimulant of thyroid hormone secretion.
2. Caffeine has immunosuppressant properties (it decreases the body's resistance to infection).
3. Caffeine predisposes women to fibrocystic breast disease, which involves lumps, thickening, and nodules in the breasts, and it increases the risk of breast cancer.
Withdrawal Symptoms Of Caffeine:
How do you know if you are addicted to caffeine? Stop using it for two to three days. You
will experience the following symptoms:
1. Headaches ñ about 18 hours after your last consumption
2. Drowsiness and almost overwhelming malaise
3. Lethargy
4. Runny nose and nausea
5. A cottony feeling in the mouth
6. Nervousness and irritability
7. Trembling with a chill
8. Insomnia
9. Depression and inability to work effectively
These withdrawal symptoms can last up to two weeks or more depending on how much you have consumed at your age. The most obvious question you are probably asking yourself right now is: if I cant drink coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks, or chocolate cocoa, what else is there to drink?î First of all is the obvious: Fresh spring water. Everyone should drink 8-10 glasses of water each day to provide the body with needed fluids. After strenuous exercise on a hot day, nothing quenches your thirst like water. The juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of hot water is a good way to start your day and will also help you lose weight. Next, try carbonated spring water (Perrier), plain or with lemon, lime or orange. It can be purchased in any grocery store. It contains no calories, sugar, or chemicals. It is a good carbonated, refreshing substitute for pop. Next try sugar-free fruit and vegetable juices. One of your best investments could be a vegetable juicer to juice them fresh. Nothing tastes better or is healthier for you than freshly juiced fruits and vegetables. Last, most health food stores have natural cereal beverages to replace coffee that are very pleasant tasting. Some popular ones are Sipp, Caffix, and Pero. Last, what about caffeine-free coffee and soft drinks? A chemical used in making decaffeinated coffee (TCE-trichloroethylene) has been known to cause liver cancer. The
National Cancer Institute also warned against using three possible substitutes to TCE. Replacing a chemical with carcinogenic risk with another chemical of unknown risk may result in a more hazardous alternative. In other words, all the side effects of the chemicals used in decaffeinated coffee are still unknown. Caffeine free soft drinks and sugar-free soft drinks still have substitutes and chemicals. Its best to try to develop a taste for healthy beverages. Think about how much beverage you consume every day and in a lifetime! Its
the fluid your body uses to trigger every chemical reaction and enzyme activity in the body. If you don't think a few chemicals in the beverages you consume make any difference in how you feel, try putting one percent water in your gas tank and see how well your car runs.
The Bottom Line Is That Health Is A Choice...Your Choice
Conquer Caffeine Tips To Lower Or Avoid Caffeine Intake:
1. Have Plenty Of Healthy Substitutes Around: Mineral water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, frozen juices, etc.
2. Question The Impulse: Are you thirsty? Drink water Do you need to wake up? Breathe deeply. Take a brisk walk, quick calisthenics.
3. Do You Need To Feel Better? Regular exercise produces more of the natural brain chemicals that improve mood.
4. Are You Chronically Sleepy And Tired? Get more sleep!
The Side Effects Of Caffeine
Remember the days when we used to talk about our problems over a cup of coffee? Well, now coffee is the problem. Rather than getting the edge, we've found that coffee makes us edgy. Some people drink three cups of coffee, a few cokes, and take a couple Excedrin all in the course of a morning. That amounts to over 500 mg. of caffeine. Is it any wonder the use of tranquilizers is one of the most prevalent drugs prescribed in America? In fact, one in seven adult Americans take some sort of tranquilizer to calm their nerves. Taking
stimulants and tranquilizers is like driving with your foot on the gas and the brakes at the same time. Its all too easy for doctors to misdiagnose a case of out-and-out caffeinism as anxiety neurosis caused by emotional factors.
Coffee is the number one drink in America with six of ten adults drinking it every day. Caffeine is probably the most widely used drug in America, and it has absolutely no nutritional value. With this wonder drug, people think they can get the jump on their fellow man. And teenagers love cola, which accounts for 25% of the total caffeine consumption. It is estimated that 30% of Americans take between 500-600 mg. of caffeine
per day, and 10% use more than 1000 mg. per day. The average person, including children, consumes 200 mg. per day. One cup of coffee contains 100-150 mg. and one to two cups exceed the level at which your brain can be adversely affected.
HABITUATION IS CAFFEINE'S SECRET OF SUCCESS. Caffeine enters all organs and tissues of
the body within a few minutes of ingestion. Ninety percent is metabolized and only 10% is excreted unchanged in the urine. Caffeine may be subtle and obscured by the multifactored nature of many chronic disease states. You may be thinking, hey, everybody drinks coffee, tea or coke Can it be that bad? Well,
its time you understand some of the side effects of caffeine, and if you are having any of the symptoms we are about to describe, it may be well to discontinue consuming anything with caffeine. We have categorized how caffeine affects all the systems of the body for better understanding.
Caffeine's Effects On The Nervous System:
1. In children, it may cause damage to the brain and central nervous system development. A Survey revealed that even pregnant women consume an average of 193 mg. of caffeine per day. And 13% (or over 400,000) pregnant women drink five or more cups of coffee per day, causing thousands of birth defects.
2. Caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant. Large doses may impair motor function, where delicate coordination is required.
3. High doses can produce symptoms indistinguishable from anxiety neurosis.
4. Caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, jitteriness, muscle tension and trembling.
5. It can also cause headaches, shaky hands, and even hallucinations.
6. Caffeine is the principle cause of restless leg syndrome. This results in insomnia and an uncomfortable feeling caused by involuntary movement of the legs.
7. Children have increased hyperactivity and insomnia from cocoa and cola drinks. Too many parents cant figure out why they cant control their kids and why they cant sleep when the reason is due to the caffeine they consume.
8. Caffeine has significant effects on muscle contractions, relaxing smooth muscle and increasing the contraction of skeletal muscles.
9. Caffeine may mask mental and physical fatigue. This may be dangerous if used while driving. It is not a substitute for normal rest or sleep.
10. Caffeine may interact with other drugs.
11. Caffeine is habit-forming and addictive.
12. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is destroyed by both coffee and tea. Any heavy coffee drinker is likely to be deficient in B1 which is crucial to mental health and tranquility. It is called the morale vitamin. Lack of thiamine causes nervous exhaustion, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of memory, depression, constipation,
inability to concentrate, feelings of inadequacy, lethargy, and intense drowsiness.
13. Caffeine could trigger psychosis through its action on a set of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. They convey information across microscopic gaps, called synapses, between nerve cells in the brain. Caffeine causes significant changes in these different transmitter systems. Caffeine taken in ordinary doses is a threat to your mental health.
14. The American Pharmaceutical Associations handbook on Non-Prescription Drugs says: doses larger than 250 mg. often cause insomnia, restlessness, irritability, nervousness, tremor, headache, and in rare cases, a form of delirium manifested as the perceived noises and flashes of light. (5 edition, 1977) It takes just two cups of strong black coffee to deliver 300 mg. of caffeine, and the latest survey by the international coffee organization found that Americans age 10 and over drink coffee at a rate higher than two cups a day.
15. All mental and physical stimulation ceases if you consume more than two cups at time. After two cups, coffee acts to slow your reaction time and impair your thinking.
16. Caffeine could well be one of the most frequent causes of chronic recurrent headaches.
17. Ten grams (40 cups) may cause grand Mal seizure, respiratory failure and death.
Effect On The Heart And Circulatory System:
1. Coffee increases the free fatty acids causing an increase in blood fats and cholesterol associated with heart attack and other cardiovascular disease.
2. Caffeine can cause heart palpitations and lightheadedness.
3. It can cause flushing as it dilates the blood vessels.
4. Caffeine can cause tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) as caffeine stimulates the cardiac muscle.
5. Caffeine can cause coronary disease, heart disease and high blood pressure.
6. There is an increase in myocardial infraction (lack of blood supply to the heart) among coffee drinkers.
7. There is a 60% increase in heart attacks associated with consumption of 1-5 cups per day and 120% increase with more than 5 cups per day. Yet, some coronary care units still serve coffee, tea, and cola drinks.
8. Heart specialists have recognized coffee as a mild poison.
Effects Of Caffeine On The Gastrointestinal System:
1. Coffee increases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causing hyperacidity. This accounts for the burning sensation reported by ulcer patients. There is a 72% greater chance of developing ulcers in coffee drinkers compared to non-users. Caffeine aggravates the symptoms of peptic ulcer.
2. Coffee drinkers are twice as likely to develop cancer of the pancreas than non-users. Coffee could cause more than half of the cancer of the pancreas in the U.S., according to Harvard researchers. This deadly form of cancer takes the lives of 20,000 Americans annually. One to two cups per day doubled the risk; three or
more tripled the risk. Cancer of the pancreas is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Less than 1% survives more than five years.
3. Caffeine affects how your body absorbs iron, leading to anemia. Strong coffee takes twice as much iron from being absorbed, and using cream worsens the effect. The tannic acid in tea also combines with iron to form a non-digestible complex that is passed out of the body.
4. Caffeine accumulates in the body in liver disease.
5. Caffeine is a possible stimulating factor in cancer of the stomach.
6. Caffeine stimulates the secretions of the small intestines.
7. Caffeine stimulates water secretion and can cause nausea and loose stools.
8. Caffeine causes a hypoglycemic response in the presence of glucose, and it elevates blood glucose.
9. Caffeine alters the metabolic status of human beings and can increase your metabolic rate 10-25% with 500 mg. of caffeine.
Caffeine's Effects On The Kidneys, Bladder, And Prostate:
1. A study at Harvard showed a correlation between coffee and cancer of the bladder. Cola drinkers have a significant increase in bladder cancer.
2. Fluid retention, which persisted 10 years, was caused by daily ingestion of 18 cups a day by a patient who complained of being a nervous wreck. All symptoms disappeared when she quit coffee.
3. Under conditions of stress from dehydration, temperature changes, and decreased food intake, caffeine is even more toxic.
4. Alcohol and caffeine have been shown to be physiological antagonists. Alcohol consumption is increased in rates when caffeine is added to the diet.
5. Caffeine is a diuretic. It causes frequent urination.
6. There is a correlation between national coffee ingestion and prostate cancer.
Birth Defects And Congenital Malformations:
1. FDA scientists are advising pregnant women to avoid caffeine-containing foods and drugs. They are considering putting a warning on coffee to pregnant women due to the risk of fetal malformations.
2. Caffeine crosses the placenta to the baby and even gets into the breast milk.
3. Birth defects may include: Cleft palate, digital defects, joint defects, absence of a jaw, unusual smallness of a lower jaw, blood tumors, club feet and delayed skeletal development.
4. In England, Ectrodactyly (a congenital absence of all or part of the fingers or toes) has been connected to heavy caffeine consumption during pregnancy.
5. In large doses it has been shown to be a mutagen in animals, plants and bacteria.
6. Caffeine may also cause abortion.
Miscellaneous Side Effects:
1. Caffeine is a stimulant of thyroid hormone secretion.
2. Caffeine has immunosuppressant properties (it decreases the body's resistance to infection).
3. Caffeine predisposes women to fibrocystic breast disease, which involves lumps, thickening, and nodules in the breasts, and it increases the risk of breast cancer.
Withdrawal Symptoms Of Caffeine:
How do you know if you are addicted to caffeine? Stop using it for two to three days. You
will experience the following symptoms:
1. Headaches ñ about 18 hours after your last consumption
2. Drowsiness and almost overwhelming malaise
3. Lethargy
4. Runny nose and nausea
5. A cottony feeling in the mouth
6. Nervousness and irritability
7. Trembling with a chill
8. Insomnia
9. Depression and inability to work effectively
These withdrawal symptoms can last up to two weeks or more depending on how much you have consumed at your age. The most obvious question you are probably asking yourself right now is: if I cant drink coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks, or chocolate cocoa, what else is there to drink?î First of all is the obvious: Fresh spring water. Everyone should drink 8-10 glasses of water each day to provide the body with needed fluids. After strenuous exercise on a hot day, nothing quenches your thirst like water. The juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of hot water is a good way to start your day and will also help you lose weight. Next, try carbonated spring water (Perrier), plain or with lemon, lime or orange. It can be purchased in any grocery store. It contains no calories, sugar, or chemicals. It is a good carbonated, refreshing substitute for pop. Next try sugar-free fruit and vegetable juices. One of your best investments could be a vegetable juicer to juice them fresh. Nothing tastes better or is healthier for you than freshly juiced fruits and vegetables. Last, most health food stores have natural cereal beverages to replace coffee that are very pleasant tasting. Some popular ones are Sipp, Caffix, and Pero. Last, what about caffeine-free coffee and soft drinks? A chemical used in making decaffeinated coffee (TCE-trichloroethylene) has been known to cause liver cancer. The
National Cancer Institute also warned against using three possible substitutes to TCE. Replacing a chemical with carcinogenic risk with another chemical of unknown risk may result in a more hazardous alternative. In other words, all the side effects of the chemicals used in decaffeinated coffee are still unknown. Caffeine free soft drinks and sugar-free soft drinks still have substitutes and chemicals. Its best to try to develop a taste for healthy beverages. Think about how much beverage you consume every day and in a lifetime! Its
the fluid your body uses to trigger every chemical reaction and enzyme activity in the body. If you don't think a few chemicals in the beverages you consume make any difference in how you feel, try putting one percent water in your gas tank and see how well your car runs.
The Bottom Line Is That Health Is A Choice...Your Choice
Conquer Caffeine Tips To Lower Or Avoid Caffeine Intake:
1. Have Plenty Of Healthy Substitutes Around: Mineral water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, frozen juices, etc.
2. Question The Impulse: Are you thirsty? Drink water Do you need to wake up? Breathe deeply. Take a brisk walk, quick calisthenics.
3. Do You Need To Feel Better? Regular exercise produces more of the natural brain chemicals that improve mood.
4. Are You Chronically Sleepy And Tired? Get more sleep!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Your non-surgical face lift has arrived...
We are proud to announce that Brilliant Bodywork has added the full line of M'Lis products to our already dynamic product line. One of my personal new favorite products is called lift...
Discover a natural alternative to face lift surgery. M’lis LIFT Facial Mask can clean, tighten, tone and stimulate the skin without causing dehydration. It has been formulated to fight wrinkles, blackheads and enlarged pores at their source. No matter your skin type, this 60 minute treatment will produce impressive visible results.
• Wrinkles
• Enlarged Pores
• Acne
• Blackheads
• Drooping And Sagging Skin
• Enlarged Pores
• Acne
• Blackheads
• Drooping And Sagging Skin
Now available as a spa service or take home product!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
OK guys, don't be a hater! I do enjoy the occasional sweet treat and even a soda or two but it is always beneficial to know what you put into your body and how it can affect your health.
Here are 87 reasons why sugar and sweeteners are ruining your health…
1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2. Sugar upsets the minerals in the body.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in
4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection.
6. Sugar can cause kidney damage.
7. Sugar reduces high-density lipoproteins.
8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9. Sugar leads to cancer of the breasts, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
10. Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
11. Sugar causes copper deficiency.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
14. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.
15. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
16. Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
17. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
18. Sugar malabsortion is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease.
19. Sugar can cause aging.
20. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
21. Sugar can cause tooth decay.
22. Sugar contributes to obesity.
23. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Chron’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
24. Sugar can cause changes frequently found in people with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
25. Sugar can cause arthritis.
26. Sugar can cause asthma.
27. Sugar can cause Candida Albicans (yeast infections).
28. Sugar can cause gallstones.
29. Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease.
30. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
31. Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
32. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
33. Sugar can cause varicose veins.
34. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
35. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
36. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
37. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
38. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
39. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
40. Sugar can decrease growth hormones.
41. Sugar can increase cholesterol.
42. Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure.
43. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
44. Sugar can cause migraine headaches.
45. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
46. Sugar causes food allergies.
47. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
48. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
49. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
50. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease
51. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
52. Sugar can change the structure of protein.
53. Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
54. Sugar can cause cataracts.
55. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
56. Sugar can cause emphysema.
57. Sugar can promote an elevation of low-density proteins (LDL).
58. Sugar can cause free radicals in the blood stream.
59. Sugar lowers the enzymes ability to function.
60. Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.
61. Sugar can cause a permanent altering in the way proteins act in the body.
62. Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide.
63. Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat.
64. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes to the kidney.
65. Sugar can damage the pancreas.
66. Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
67. Sugar is the #1 enemy of bowel movement.
68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).
69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
70. Sugar can make tendons more brittle.
71. Sugar can cause headaches.
72. Sugar can overstress the pancreas.
73. Sugar can adversely affect school children’s grades.
74. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves.
75. Sugar can cause depression.
76. Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer.
77. Sugar can be a risk factor in gallbladder cancer.
78. Sugar can cause dyspepsia (indigestion).
79. Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout.
80. The ingestion of sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance
test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates.
81. Sugar can increase insulin responses in humans consuming high-sugar diets as
compared to low sugar diets.
82. Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.
83. Sugar increases the risk of colon cancer in women.
84. There is a greater risk of Chron’s Disease with people who have a high intake of sugar.
85. Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness
86. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
87. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Information on cellulite from an article by Dr. Samuel Hartley, PhD, titled ‘Doctor’s
Report on Cellulite’
An age old problem still haunts women today. Year after year, new gimmicks are introduced to get rid of cellulite. There were the salt
solutions, hot oils, herbal solutions, clay wraps, seaweed wraps, and today, the thigh creams. Each one reported to be the next miracle to get rid of cellulite. Frankly, research shows that none of the above do any more than cause a temporary loss of water from the fat cells, which returns as fluids are ingested.
According to extensive studies conducted in Germany in the late 70's, by Drs. Nuimberger and Muller, it was found that cellulite formation has its basis in the structure of the subcutaneous fatty layer that is unique to females. They found that in women, the uppermost layer of subcutaneous tissue consists of what they called "standing fat-cell chambers," which are separated by vertical walls of connective tissue. At the top of these upright fat cells, arc-shaped domes are formed which are weak and more prone to fold and buckle under the pressures of excess weight, water retention, or a sedentary lifestyle. This, in turn, causes smaller compartments of f a t cells (papillae
adipose) to then break up and cluster tightly just under the skin. This combination creates the change of appearance in the skin’s surface that we know as cellulite.
According to a study done by Drs. Sherwitz and Braun-Falco, also in the late 1970's, a cause of the rippling effect of cellulite is
fluid retention in adipose (fatty) tissues. The researchers observed clear signs of fluid invasion in the connective fibers of the upper layers of the skin. The retained fluids cause visible swelling of thighs, hips and abdomen, etc., but even worse, the toxic wastes they contain break down the all-important collagen and elastin fibers that keep the skin firm and smooth. While they found that the direct cause of cellulite is the breakdown of the connective fibers, they determined that the biggest reason for this breakdown was poor blood circulation. How-ever, toxic accumulation and fluid retention are a major contributing factor in the formation of cellulite. Loss of blood flow to an area, whether from the lack of exercise, excessive sitting, clogged arteries, or nutrient deficiency, can have a disastrous impact
on cellulite formation.
According to cellulite experts, cellulite generally chooses areas with poor circulation, to start with, which in turn slows circulation even more. The amount of damage that inhibited blood flow can do in fragile connective tissues cannot be calculated, but every system of the body is adversely affected when circulation is reduced or blocked. In addition, valuable reconstructive materials like vitamin E, the fatty
acids, selenium, and vitamin C are prevented from doing their normal repair job. As a result, the sagging, rippled cellulite can affect even slim women in good physical condition.
How Do I Then Get Rid Of Cellulite?
The most important job in eliminating cellulite is to restore normal, healthy, vigorous circulation to cellulite prone areas. Aerobic exercise, jogging, dancing, jumping rope and etc., help, but because cellulite tissues are so densely packed and circulation has become so poor, exercise is rarely enough to restore healthy circulation. Niacin (in the form of nicotinic acid) has the documented ability to widen and open blood vessels all through the body. It is especially effective in opening the smaller blood vessels and capillaries near the surface of the skin, even in hard to - r e a c h c e l l u l i t e constricted areas. Also, taking supplemental niacin orally was found to be helpful.
External massage done with a sponge or cloth was found to have a similar effect on circulation. It was found that specially prepared herbal creams, that penetrate the cellulite tissues, would literally drain out cellulite water and wastes. When used with an external wrap, which increased heat in the tissues, immediate results were seen. Also, it was found that cleansing herbs would r e m o v e w a s t e
accumulations in the connective tissues. Based on the above studies, a complete program to increase health and eliminate cellulite was
developed by Beneficial International, Inc., in 1979.
M’Lis markets this program to salons, spas, and other professionals. The M’Lis Contour Wrap Program consists of an herbal diuretic to help soften and flush cellulite from the tissues, a niacin cream that penetrates the skin and c e l l u l i t e , increasing circulation even
in the worst cellulite prone areas, increasing the natural cleansing action of the body, and a plastic wrap which helps to hold the heat in and create pressure on the cellulite areas which helps with the evacuation.
M’Lis has also gone even further to cleanse the source of the problem. It is estimated that as much as 95% of all disease starts in the colon. The trapped waste materials that have been referred to are carried from the colon into the connective tissue and are deposited, forming cellulite. M’Lis detoxification program works hand in hand with the contour program not only to enhance the elimination of
cellulite but to help prevent its formation in the first place.
Call me to setup your M'Lis Wellness Consultation today!
(507) 450-7429
By J. Lynn Wilde, ND, PhD
Another part of my journey to wellness...
Okay loyal Blog followers. I have shared my HCG journey with you via Facebook on our Brilliant Bodywork fan page. You have watched me transform my body from 180lbs to 122lbs since June 25, 2010. I have kept all of the weight off and have learned a hard reality....even skinny chicks have cellulite. Cellulite isn't fat but a toxic condition caused by toxins becoming trapped in the tissues. Much of my problem is poor circulation and poor lymphatic drainage. Recently at my M'Lis Wellness Consultant Certification I became inspired to do the M'Lis Anti-Cellulite Program to help get rid of my "hail damaged" legs. This will be a 30 day program and my intent is to be 100% open and honest during the process. This means measurements, pictures and daily journal entries all shared right here on our blog. Pictures will not be touched up. (Gulp!) My hope from this experience is to show my clients and loyal readers that your health and wellness lies in your hands and I am here to help you. This is a program that we are offering through Brilliant Bodywork so please feel free to ask questions and leave supportive comments. Below is an outline of the program that I will be doing.
The body contour program is designed to cleanse the lymphatic and circulatory systems which in turn reshapes and smoothes the body. This protocol flushes the connective tissues of trapped waste that causes cellulite. When participating in the program a lifestyle change is required.
Certain foods are avoided like, caffeine, refined sugars and flours, and water intake is increased to half the body’s weight in ounces. In addition to the professional treatment, using internal and topical supplements at home are a crucial part of the body contouring protocol. This allows the body to function at its highest level during the cleansing process.
• CLEANSES the liquid waste system
• AIDS IN REMOVAL of cellulite by softening, breaking down and freeing trapped toxins and waste materials in the connective tissues through normal waste elimination
• STIMULATES CIRCULATION to assist in healing problem areas due to poor circulation
• INCREASES CIRCULATION through a niacin-based cream
• LYMPHATIC FLOW INCREASED by the use of plastic wrap which helps to help hold in heat,and promote light acupressure.
• REDUCES water retention
• TIGHTENS and tones the skin
• PROMOTES loss of one-half dress or pant size per treatment
• ASSISTS any of the M’lis Lifestyle Change Programs (particularly Fibromyalgia, Candida, Weight Loss, or any other health issue that involves a depleted immune system)
•ELIMINATE EXCESS INCHES these are lost when used in conjunction with the M’lis Weight Loss Program
• PERMANENT inch loss through body cleansing, rather than being a weight or water loss wrap

• INTERNAL DETOXIFICATION — The M’lis Detoxification program is an important part of the Total Body Contour Program, as it cleanses the systems of the body and the tissues internally. Natural body functions become stronger and more efficient, and established wastes and toxins are eliminated. Detoxification makes Body Wraps many times more effective and reverses the cycle of cellulite accumulation.
• SERIES OF BODY WRAP TREATMENTS — This helps to free and remove trapped waste in the connective tissue, eliminating internal disfiguring deposits and stimulating inch loss.
• EATING CLEANSING FOODS — It is important to ingest fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins that can be easily digested.
• DAILY EXERCISE — Movement is the best way to encourage circulation, lymphatic flow and overall health.
• MASSAGE — Assists the body in detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic and circulatory system.
• BUFF — Enzymatic exfoliation removes dead skin cells before the wrap, dilating capillaries and enabling nutrients to get to the cells. This stimulates the metabolism of the skin for better wrap results. This is an essential step done prior to wrapping.
• CELL-U-RID — This herbal formula stimulates and strengthens the elimination system. It helps to soften and break down cellulite through increased circulation and reduced water retention while appeasing the appetite naturally.
• MAINTAIN — A more mild form of the spa-strength Contour Cream that is used at home on cellulite prone areas to stimulate circulation and continue the contouring process on a daily basis
Certain foods are avoided like, caffeine, refined sugars and flours, and water intake is increased to half the body’s weight in ounces. In addition to the professional treatment, using internal and topical supplements at home are a crucial part of the body contouring protocol. This allows the body to function at its highest level during the cleansing process.
• CLEANSES the liquid waste system
• AIDS IN REMOVAL of cellulite by softening, breaking down and freeing trapped toxins and waste materials in the connective tissues through normal waste elimination
• STIMULATES CIRCULATION to assist in healing problem areas due to poor circulation
• INCREASES CIRCULATION through a niacin-based cream
• LYMPHATIC FLOW INCREASED by the use of plastic wrap which helps to help hold in heat,and promote light acupressure.
• REDUCES water retention
• TIGHTENS and tones the skin
• PROMOTES loss of one-half dress or pant size per treatment
• ASSISTS any of the M’lis Lifestyle Change Programs (particularly Fibromyalgia, Candida, Weight Loss, or any other health issue that involves a depleted immune system)
•ELIMINATE EXCESS INCHES these are lost when used in conjunction with the M’lis Weight Loss Program
• PERMANENT inch loss through body cleansing, rather than being a weight or water loss wrap
• INTERNAL DETOXIFICATION — The M’lis Detoxification program is an important part of the Total Body Contour Program, as it cleanses the systems of the body and the tissues internally. Natural body functions become stronger and more efficient, and established wastes and toxins are eliminated. Detoxification makes Body Wraps many times more effective and reverses the cycle of cellulite accumulation.
• SERIES OF BODY WRAP TREATMENTS — This helps to free and remove trapped waste in the connective tissue, eliminating internal disfiguring deposits and stimulating inch loss.
• EATING CLEANSING FOODS — It is important to ingest fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins that can be easily digested.
• DAILY EXERCISE — Movement is the best way to encourage circulation, lymphatic flow and overall health.
• MASSAGE — Assists the body in detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic and circulatory system.
• BUFF — Enzymatic exfoliation removes dead skin cells before the wrap, dilating capillaries and enabling nutrients to get to the cells. This stimulates the metabolism of the skin for better wrap results. This is an essential step done prior to wrapping.
• CELL-U-RID — This herbal formula stimulates and strengthens the elimination system. It helps to soften and break down cellulite through increased circulation and reduced water retention while appeasing the appetite naturally.
• MAINTAIN — A more mild form of the spa-strength Contour Cream that is used at home on cellulite prone areas to stimulate circulation and continue the contouring process on a daily basis
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Spring Cleaning Sale!!!
4-19/4-22 Trade in your old weight loss suppliments or skin care products at Brilliant Bodywork Massage Therapy & Skin Care Bring in your old weight loss suppliments and save $30 on HCG Fusion! Bring in your used skin care products for 25% off Bioelements. Call for details! (507) 450-7429
Linebacker Eyes???
Hot Tip!
Tired of dark circles under your eyes? For a quick home remedy, soak cotton balls in cold soy milk. The coolness and the anti-inflammatory properties of soy can help reduce irritation and puffiness. Also, try adding a pillow at night. Elevating your head during sleep can help prevent fluids from collecting under your eyes.
Tired of dark circles under your eyes? For a quick home remedy, soak cotton balls in cold soy milk. The coolness and the anti-inflammatory properties of soy can help reduce irritation and puffiness. Also, try adding a pillow at night. Elevating your head during sleep can help prevent fluids from collecting under your eyes.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Healthy skin, nails and hair with Biotin
The most commonly discussed B vitamins are usually B3 (niacin), B6, and B12, as they are known for their positive impact on stress, fatigue, and neurological development. However, there is one B vitamin that is commonly overlooked but just as important--biotin.
Biotin was discovered during research on chickens in the late 1930s and early 1940s. When chicks fed diets high in raw egg white consistently developed skin rashes and lost the hair around their eyes, biotin-rich egg yolk was added to the chicks' diet and the symptoms disappeared.
Originally referred to as vitamin H (for haut, the German word for skin), biotin is one of the least familiar of the B-complex vitamins. It is a water-soluble vitamin produced in the body by certain types of intestinal bacteria and obtained through food. Biotin is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
Biotin is required to produce the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase. This process is the most important step in the biosynthesis of fatty acids and is critical for cell functioning, especially for the cell membrane. The biosynthesis of fatty acids is especially critical for skin cells for two reasons. First, skin cells die and must be quickly replaced, second, skin cells are in contact with the outside environment and serve as a protective barrier. A deficiency in biotin can lead to a breakdown in fatty acid production, resulting in skin cells being the earliest cells to develop problems.
So how do biotin deficiencies manifest? In infants, the most common biotin-deficiency symptom is cradle cap--a skin condition in which crusty yellowish/whitish patches appear around the infant's scalp, head, eyebrows, and on skin behind the ears.
In adults, this skin condition is commonly referred to as seborrheic dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin of unknown cause or origin. The condition is characterized by moderate redness, dry, moist, or greasy scaling, and yellow crusted patches on various areas. These include mid-parts of the face, ears, around the eyes, the navel, genitalia, and especially the scalp.
A biotin deficiency can also manifest as thin, splitting, or brittle toenails and fingernails, as well as hair loss.
Good food sources of biotin include swiss chard, brewer's yeast, oat bran, organ meats (liver kidney), and cooked eggs, especially egg yolk. Other good sources include nut and nut butters (almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts), soybeans, and other legumes like beans and blackeyed peas.
It should be noted that consumption of raw egg whites, however, can contribute to a biotin deficiency, as avidin (the glycoprotein substance in egg white) can bind to biotin and prevent its absorption. Cooking the whole egg prevents the binding of biotin with avidin.
When taking a biotin supplement, experts recommend D-biotin, the only known metabolically active form of biotin. The recommended dose is 300 micrograms alone or with brewer's yeast.
Not only can biotin help support healthy skin through proper fatty acid production, it can also help prevent hair loss, muscle cramps, lack of muscle tone, and inflammatory bowel syndrome or disease.
Biotin can be found at most major retailers.
Biotin was discovered during research on chickens in the late 1930s and early 1940s. When chicks fed diets high in raw egg white consistently developed skin rashes and lost the hair around their eyes, biotin-rich egg yolk was added to the chicks' diet and the symptoms disappeared.
Originally referred to as vitamin H (for haut, the German word for skin), biotin is one of the least familiar of the B-complex vitamins. It is a water-soluble vitamin produced in the body by certain types of intestinal bacteria and obtained through food. Biotin is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
Biotin is required to produce the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase. This process is the most important step in the biosynthesis of fatty acids and is critical for cell functioning, especially for the cell membrane. The biosynthesis of fatty acids is especially critical for skin cells for two reasons. First, skin cells die and must be quickly replaced, second, skin cells are in contact with the outside environment and serve as a protective barrier. A deficiency in biotin can lead to a breakdown in fatty acid production, resulting in skin cells being the earliest cells to develop problems.
So how do biotin deficiencies manifest? In infants, the most common biotin-deficiency symptom is cradle cap--a skin condition in which crusty yellowish/whitish patches appear around the infant's scalp, head, eyebrows, and on skin behind the ears.
In adults, this skin condition is commonly referred to as seborrheic dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin of unknown cause or origin. The condition is characterized by moderate redness, dry, moist, or greasy scaling, and yellow crusted patches on various areas. These include mid-parts of the face, ears, around the eyes, the navel, genitalia, and especially the scalp.
A biotin deficiency can also manifest as thin, splitting, or brittle toenails and fingernails, as well as hair loss.
Good food sources of biotin include swiss chard, brewer's yeast, oat bran, organ meats (liver kidney), and cooked eggs, especially egg yolk. Other good sources include nut and nut butters (almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts), soybeans, and other legumes like beans and blackeyed peas.
It should be noted that consumption of raw egg whites, however, can contribute to a biotin deficiency, as avidin (the glycoprotein substance in egg white) can bind to biotin and prevent its absorption. Cooking the whole egg prevents the binding of biotin with avidin.
When taking a biotin supplement, experts recommend D-biotin, the only known metabolically active form of biotin. The recommended dose is 300 micrograms alone or with brewer's yeast.
Not only can biotin help support healthy skin through proper fatty acid production, it can also help prevent hair loss, muscle cramps, lack of muscle tone, and inflammatory bowel syndrome or disease.
Biotin can be found at most major retailers.
Vitamin D – More Than Just a Vitamin
Researchers have long known that the “sunshine vitamin” boosts bone strength by encouraging the body to absorb calcium. Subsequent studies indicate that inadequate amounts of vitamin D in the system can substantially increase the risk of a variety of diseases, including cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depressions and multiple sclerosis as well as the risk of falling and infections.
- Vitamin D is actually a hormone that plays a role in the regulation of more than 100 genes, many of which are involved in preventing disease.
- A study released in May 2008 found higher rates of death from all causes and from cardiovascular disease among a group of 3,258 heart patients with low levels of vitamin D in their blood, compared with heart patients with higher levels of vitamin D.
- A recent study involving 18,225 men found that those with vitamin D levels below 15 ng/mil were 2.4 times more likely to have a heart attack than those with levels above 30.
- Last year, an analysis involving 1,760 women found a 50% reduction in breast cancer risk in those whose vitamin D levels were more than 52 ng/mil, compared with levels of less than 13.
- Women with newly diagnosed breast cancer fare better if they have adequate levels of Vitamin D.
- Three out of four cancer patients had levels that were clearly deficient.
- Of patients who developed metastatic breast cancer within five to ten years, women who were deficient had a higher chance of recurrence.
New benefits of this vitamin are being discovered every day, but many people, especially those residing in the Northern United States, still do not receive enough vitamin D to reap the wonderful benefits it can provide to their health. To get the recommended amount of vitamin D, experts recommend a reasonable amount of sun exposure, eating foods rich in vitamin D and a high quality Vitamin D supplement.
M’lis Vitamin D provides 1000 IU per softgel of high quality vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), which is the most potent form of supplemental vitamin D. 1-2 softgels per day provide enough vitamin D to rectify most deficiencies and supply the body with optimal levels of this beneficial immune-boosting nutrient.
All M'Lis products are available at Brilliant Bodywork!
Molly Dixon: Brilliant Bodywork. A Lash-tastic Love Story.
Molly Dixon: Brilliant Bodywork. A Lash-tastic Love Story.: "I'm hands down obsessed with my grooming. An astray hair? No thank you! A pimple? You must be kidding me! Sparse, short and crooked eyelashe..."
Friday, April 8, 2011
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
- 1 16 oz can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans
- 1/4 cup liquid from can of chickpeas
- 3-5 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on taste)
- 1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Drain chickpeas and set aside liquid from can. Combine remaining ingredients in blender or food processor. Add 1/4 cup of liquid from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed and smooth.
Place in serving bowl, and create a shallow well in the center of the hummus.
Add a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil in the well. Garnish with parsley (optional).
Serve immediately with fresh, warm or toasted pita bread, or cover and refrigerate.
For a spicier hummus, add a sliced red chile or a dash of cayenne pepper.
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