HCG works with your brain's hypothalamus to release and mobilize abnormal fat and allow it to be consumed as an energy source. When used in conjunction with the 500 calorie diet, the difference in calories of what your body needs and what you eat in food, the body burns from the abnormal stored fat. This results in extreme rapid weight loss. The Dr Simeons protocol helps you establish a lower “setpoint” body weight. HCG Fusion homeopathic formula does not negatively affect the healthy fat or muscle mass. |
The Three Types of Fat in the Human Body:
1. Structural fat: This necessary fat fills the gaps between organs and limbs, and it acts as a sort of "packing material" for the body, for example the fat on the bottom of your feet.2. Subcutaneous or "Normal" Fat: This is the fat directly under the skin, and the type we see and notice most. It's what makes is look "flabby". It is the fat the body utilizes most easily when nutritional intake is less than what the body demands and is the fat that is easiest to burn through regular exercise.
3. Visceral or "Abnormal" Fat: The most dangerous type of fat, its excessive accumulations can run throughout the body, surrounding organs, causing obesity and increasing the risk of a number of diseases (i.e., cardiovascular disease, liver disease, diabetes). While exercising or restricting food intake allows the body to utilize normal fat reserves, the body can't access the abnormal fat accumulations as easily. That is why abnormal fat is so hard to get rid of, even with exercise.
The Key:
The use of HCG triggers the release of abnormal fat deposits and makes the fat available for consumption by the body as energy.Our clients taking HCG Fusion lose up to 1-2 lbs. each day, if they are following the protocol. Because the HCG hormone makes the abnormal fat available, the body begins living off the abnormal fat. The fat provides a source of energy for the body, just as food does.
Even though clients reduce "actual" food intake to 500 calories per day, hunger is not noticed because 3,500 additional calories are consumed each day by the body by using abnormal fat stores as fuel, and our HCG formulation curbs the appetite, reducing hunger pangs.
HCG Fusion has been helping people lose weight and feel energetic again! We help clients learn about portion control, develop a healthy relationship with food, increase their energy level through simple activity, and build more balance into their lives for optimal weight loss and well-being. HCG Fusion can help! Know that the staff of Brilliant Bodywork is here to help you succeed! Call for a FREE consultation! (507) 450-7429
What is the Hypothalamus?
The hypothalamus is a part of the diencephalon area of our brain. This is the vital part of the brain which controls all of the autonomic functions of the body, including breathing, heartbeat, digestion, sleep and the complex functions of the endocrine system. One of the many functions of the endocrine system is regulation and control of your metabolism and weight.
HCG Drops vs. Injections – Which one is best for ME?
HCG Injections vs. Drops
So you’re asking yourself, “Should I use HCG injections, or HCG homeopathic drops?” — Good question. Other good questions are:1. Which is safer?
2. Which is less expensive?
3. Which form works best?
HCG injections are shots that you administer yourself in your muscle tissue every day. This method of HCG delivery was adapted by Dr. Simeons as part of the original protocol. At the time, this was the most effective method of restoring HCG levels in the body.
Oral HCG, also known as sublingual HCG drops, is a homeopathic formula where the HCG is taken through a calculated dilution process until the most potent form remains. These drops are then used under the tongue by use of a simple dropper.
Which is safer?
Both methods of obtaining HCG are safe IF they are purchased through a trustworthy source. However, HCG injections are harder to obtain, as they require a prescription from a medical doctor, as compared to Homeopathic HCG sublingual drops are available without a prescription here in the US.
Which is cheaper?
HCG drops definitely come out on top here. Since HCG injections must be obtained either through a prescription or else shipped from overseas, they are costly and time-consuming to acquire. In comparison, HCG drops are available locally at a fraction of the cost, and can be obtained at most local pharmacies, grocery stores or nutrition stores.
Which method is most effective?
Great news for the needle-phobic: the homeopathic remedy has shown to be just as effective as HCG injections. In fact, in a study of people on the diet who switched from HCG shots to HCG homeopathic drops, showed that those on the drops had just as much weight loss, higher energy levels, and less hunger between meals than people that were using the injections. This may be due in part because dieters are more amenable to the homeopathic drops than the injections: they are less expensive, more ubiquitous, and virtually pain-free!
HCG Drops
Human Chorionic Gonadtrophin (HCG) drops has been creating huge waves when it comes to losing weight, diet, health & fitness or wellness in general. In fact, a lot of great testimonials are being passed around about HCG drops globally. This very effective way of losing weight was actually discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons, MD over 40 years ago. It is made of all natural substances and is considered homeopathic. The HCG drops are supposed to be taken with a 500 calorie diet per day and lots of water (10 to 12 glasses). It promises at least 1 lb. a day of weight loss, eliminating stubborn fats and not the muscles and nutrients needed by the body.
HCG Drops Benefits.
1. Sculpting the body. HCG drops zeroes into the areas of the body which cannot be trimmed down even by rigorous exercise. The inches lost are on the parts of the body where fats must really be eliminated. As a result, the body will have curves in the right places.
2. No exercise needed. Although exercise is also good when taking HCG drops, it is not a requirement. Considering current fast paced lifestyles, more and more people have less and less time to exercise. Hence, this is an advantage.
3. No hunger problems. Those who took HCG drops experienced negligible, to no hunger problems at all. This is because HCG drops decrease your craving to eat more and teach your body to eat healthy.
4. Keeps weight off. After losing the unwanted fat weight with HCG drops, your body has already developed a healthy eating habit. So, it would be easy to maintain your weight and keep the excess fats off.
Remember, it is always best to see a doctor before going on any kind of weight-loss diet. But, once you’ve started the diet “Count your blessings, and count your calories too!”
Our Product
HCG Fusion made from USP Grade raw materials, which are the very purest grade available. USP (United States Pharmacopeia) establishes written (documentary) and physical standards for medicines, food ingredients, dietary supplement products and ingredients. These standards are used by regulatory agencies and manufacturers to help to ensure that these products are of the appropriate identity, as well as strength, quality, purity, and consistency. HCG Fusion comes mixed with Vitamin B12 supplement, Cell Salts, and 4 essential amino acids mixed directly into HCG Fusion at no extra cost. Our drops are of the highest quality and among one of the most competitive prices available.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Adrenal, Liver, Thyroid, and Fat Metabolizer, all in potencies of 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, and 60x potencies in a colloidal mineral water base.
Additional Ingredients:
- Vitamin B12- Supplements energy levels while on the diet.
- Mag-Phos cell salts- Helps prevent muscle cramping.
- Nat-Phos cell salts- Acts as a mild laxative to prevent constipation and promotes the assimilation of fat deposits.
Amino Acids:
- L-Lysine - Promotes healthy skin and lips.
- L-Arginine - Boosts immune system & improves blood flow.
- L-Ornithine - Improves musle tone and burns fat.
- Acetyl L-Carnitine - Helps convert fatty acids into energy.
Before starting your HCG diet, it is recommended that you do a simple detox or colon cleanse, however, this is not mandatory. We at Brilliant Bodywork can go through various options with you for optimal weight loss. (Days 1-2):
BINGE! Eat what you want and begin taking HCG Fusion, 7-10 drops, 3x per day, 15 min before eating. Hold drops under your tongue for at least 2 minutes for maximum absorption. Eat anything and everything you can….especially foods high in fat. Sounds crazy but this "loading" phase, is crucial to the fat burning in Phase 2. (Days 3-43 max):
Begin STRICT 500 Calorie Diet and continue taking HCG Fusion. Drink at least 64 oz. of water daily (can also drink BLACK coffee or tea only Stevia may be used sparingly for sweetening)For lunch and dinner stick to 4 approved food choices. (1 fruit, 1 protein, 1 vegetable, breadstick). Use the following menu/eating pattern each day:
1. Breakfast: NO FOOD. Can drink water, coffee, or tea
2. Morning snack: One fruit(if needed)
3. Lunch: 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of protein (1 vegetable, 1 Melba toast, 1 fruit (if not eaten as snack earlier)
4. Dinner: The same four choices as lunch.
5. Evening snacks: One fruit (if not eaten for dinner)
(3 weeks):
This is a Maintenance Phase. You can now begin to add more food back into your diet, just be sure to avoid sugar and starch for 3 weeks. It is best to add foods back in 1 at a time so you can see how your body reacts to each item. You can now have dairy, fats and oils, nuts, etc. Beware of extra sweet fruit like bananas and mangoes during this phase.After you have successfully stabilized your weight, you are ready to add all normal foods back into your diet, including bread and other starchy foods like potatoes, as well as food containing sugar, like mangoes, bananas, and sweets (in moderation, of course). You will have developed a taste for healthy foods, and it will be much easier for you to make good eating decisions at this point than it used to.
You must continue to weigh yourself each morning, and if you ever go 2 pounds above your lowest achieved weight, a "steak day" (see Helpful Tips) will put you back within your range, but it is important to do the steak day on the same day as the gain. Otherwise it is not as effective. You can maintain your new weight forever by following this simple system.
Approved Food List
PROTEIN (3.5 oz or 100g - pre-cooked):
All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be cooked without additional fat. Veal 100 calories, Steak 135 calories, Ground Beef (Extra Lean Only) 210 calories, Chicken Breast 110 calories, Fresh White Fish 115 calories, Lobster 095 calories, Crab (no artificial crab is allowed due to sugar) 055 calories, Shrimp 090 calories.
All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be cooked without additional fat. Veal 100 calories, Steak 135 calories, Ground Beef (Extra Lean Only) 210 calories, Chicken Breast 110 calories, Fresh White Fish 115 calories, Lobster 095 calories, Crab (no artificial crab is allowed due to sugar) 055 calories, Shrimp 090 calories.
1 Apple (not 2 small apples) 080 calories,1 Orange 060 calories, 7-10 small Strawberries 035 calories, 1 Grapefruit 080 calories, 1 Fresh Peach 038 calories, 2 Plums 060 calories, ½ cup Cherries 088 calories.
1 Apple (not 2 small apples) 080 calories,1 Orange 060 calories, 7-10 small Strawberries 035 calories, 1 Grapefruit 080 calories, 1 Fresh Peach 038 calories, 2 Plums 060 calories, ½ cup Cherries 088 calories.
1 cup Spinach or Chard 007 calories,1 cup Lettuce of any kind 008 calories,1 medium Tomato 026 calories, 1 cup Radishes 023 calories, 1 medium Cucumber 024 calories, 1 cup Asparagus 031, calories, 1 cup Cabbage 016 calories.
1 cup Spinach or Chard 007 calories,1 cup Lettuce of any kind 008 calories,1 medium Tomato 026 calories, 1 cup Radishes 023 calories, 1 medium Cucumber 024 calories, 1 cup Asparagus 031, calories, 1 cup Cabbage 016 calories.
1 Melba Toast 020 calories, 1 Grissini Breadstick 020 (Recommended and available at Woodmans)
1 Melba Toast 020 calories, 1 Grissini Breadstick 020 (Recommended and available at Woodmans)
The Plateau
My Weight Loss has Stopped or Slowed. What Can I Do?
What Happened?
It is not uncommon for some people, especially if they have lost a lot of weight rapidly in the first half of Phase 1 in the diet, to see their weight loss slow down considerably, or even stop. Don't get discouraged. There is a good chance you can break through the Plateau in a single day by having what Dr. Simeons called an "Apple Day".
Have an "Apple Day"
An "Apple Day" is where you eat only 6 organic apples and water (just enough to quench your thirst) the entire day. There should be a drop in weight the next morning. If there is not, don't worry, your body is still changing and losing "inches" even if not pounds. The next day, get back on track with the normal 500 calorie diet. You should start losing weight again.
Need a Steak Day?
If you are in Phase 3 (Maintenance) and your weight fluctuates two pounds or more higher than your lowest Phase 2 weight, you must entirely skip all food until 6:00 p.m. for that day. During that time you should drink as much water as you can (a gallon if you are able, 1/2 gallon minimum). You can also drink coffee, tea or yerbe mate, as much as you like, and you can use Stevia or Truvia sweeteners. In the evening, cook and eat the BIGGEST steak that you can. The steak should be grilled or cooked in a skillet and seasoned with pepper and herbs, but NO SALT. In addition to the steak, you may also have either a large raw tomato or a large apple (raw). This should put you right back on track. It is important to do the steak day on the same day you made the gain. Otherwise it won't be as effective. And make sure you are checking your weight every day during Phase 3.
You can do a steak day any time that you
Keeping it Off!
After you have reached your weight loss goals, how do you KEEP it off? Especially when we live in a culture where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements that push delicious-looking, fat-filled, obesity-producing food in our faces every single day. We hear it on the radio; see it on TV and on billboards and even in newspapers. So how do you transition from being on the HCG Diet, making good eating choices, to going back to normal eating habits, without getting into the same bad habits that caused your unhealthy weight gain in the first place?Habits...habits are made and broken in a 14-day time period. During your experience you have created NEW, healthy eating habits. If you go right back to eating bad foods, you will most likely find yourself feeling sick shortly after, and you will realize that your body actually craves healthier foods. And hopefully you have noticed how much better you feel than you did before. However, if you continue down that path, eating those bad foods, your body will adjust again, and you will slowly learn to find comfort in the sugars and starches that do your body harm.
It comes down to making a choice. The HCG Diet is not just about losing weight. It's about a lifestyle change. If you cannot commit to leaving the unhealthy lifestyle and destructive eating habits that you participated in before your diet, then you can expect your body to decline again as it previously did. It is not easy to change, especially in a society that thrives on fast-food and sweets. But it is definitely worth it to take care of your body, and to reap the rewards of feeling great, and looking great. Take time to educate yourself on the causes of obesity, and surround yourself with people that want to share the same healthy lifestyle that you do. You can also consult your physician or other professionals that will help you stay on the path to a new, healthier, happier you!
Following these Important Suggestions can Enhance your Success while on the HCG Diet. |
Drink Plenty of Water Every Day!
Drink a lot of water! (between 2 and 4 quarts every day) Water is important in flushing the fat out of your system while on the diet. You will not retain this water, so don't think that drinking a lot of water will slow your progress. The more water you drink, the better results you will have.Diet Drinks - Avoid Them!
Do NOT drink diet soda, or diet drinks of any kind, even if they have zero calories. Diet drinks of any type will hinder your progress and slow your weight loss results.Weigh it BEFORE Cooking!
Your protein should be weighed BEFORE you cook it. Your 100 gram serving size could be very different if you weight it after it's cooked. A steak is a good example. It will shrink and weigh less after fat has been reduced through cooking.Vary Your Foods
Do Not eat the same protein for lunch and dinner, Do Not eat the same fruit for lunch and dinner, and Do Not eat the same vegetables for both lunch and dinner. Varying your selection will keep your body in an optimum state for burning abnormal fat.Limit the Beef!
Be careful not to eat too much beef. Most people find better results eating more chicken and white fish rather than beef every day.Don't Mix the Vegetables!
You will have better weight loss results if you do not combine vegetable in your meals. Stick with a single vegetable choice in your meals.Avoid MSG
Double check to make sure the seasonings you are using do not contain MSG, as this could interfere with weight loss.Can I Chew Gum or Eat Mints?
Gum and mints are not recommended. However, we understand that having bad breath is NOT a good thing. If you do chew gum, always use sugar free, and use in moderation as they can interfere with your weight loss.Yerbe Mate
Yerbe Mate is a great alternative to coffee or tea, if you don't like to drink coffee or tea. Yerbe Mate is 100% natural, and gives you a more natural lift of energy without the crash. It is also a good appetite suppressant.Support System
Encourage friends and family to support you while on the diet. Do not put yourself in positions where the temptation to eat sugars and starches becomes too strong. For example, going to the food-court at the mall where you are shopping, or hanging out at bars and clubs with friends. Having the will power to stick to the diet can sometimes be overwhelming. It is a GREAT idea to do the diet with someone else so you can support each other and give encouragement to one another.Sweet Fruits
Avoid the following fruits that are high in sugar: Grapes, pineapple, dried fruit, tangerines, kiwi, mango, oranges, bananas.Beware of Sugar - Check the Label!
Avoid foods that contain the following sweeteners: Splenda, aspartame, honey, brown sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, maple syrup, sucrose, lactose, malt, maltose, molasses, rice syrup, panocha, powdered sugar, treacle, cane sugar, demerara sugar, galactose, invert sugar.Walk 30 minutes Every Day
Although hard exercise is not recommended, walking at least 30 minutes every day can not only help your weight loss, it will help with a number of other health benefits such as stress, hunger, and mood swings.Gaining Weight in Phase 3?
Consider This:
1. What are you eating? Is it full of carbohydrates? Are you eating too much fruit or too many nuts? Fruit and nuts can make some people gain weight.2. Are you eating enough? Make sure you are eating at least 1500 calories. And avoid sugars and starchy foods.
3. Are you eating too much? Do not go more than 2000 calories in your day.
4. Are you drinking enough water?
5. Are you having a steak day when your weight goes up more than 2 pounds?
6. Are you getting enough sleep? Your body recovers during these critical sleep hours so try to get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep every night!
7. How much stress do you have in your life currently? Although some people believe stress is a good way to "lose" weight, most people GAIN weight during stressful times in their lives. Relaxation and meditation techniques can help you cope with the stress in your life. Letting go of stress will not only help you feel better emotionally, it will help you feel better physically because it is healthier.
Frequently Asked Questions about the HCG Diet Program!
Q: What is HCG?
A: HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is found in both men and women, and is a glycoprotein hormone produced predominantly during pregnancy. Its role is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum of the ovary and thereby maintain progesterone production that is critical for a healthy pregnancy and for protecting the growing fetus. Dr. Simeons, an English physician, believed that by injecting small doses of HCG into men or "non-pregnant" women, it could reprogram the hypothalamus and mobilize abnormal fat cells while on a 500 calorie diet. Dr. Simeons dedicated a good portion of his life to the study of obesity, and he is credited as being the Founder of the HCG Diet Protocol.
Q: Why can't I just do the 500 calorie diet or the drops alone?
A: hCG is only effective for weight loss in conjunction with a very low calorie diet (VLCD). A low-calorie diet alone would not only be unhealthy, it can target lean muscle tissue instead of abnormal fat cells, resulting in a loss of valuable muscle mass. The hCG drops combined with the "proper" 500 calorie diet that we recommend, provides the required nutrients to maintain a healthy body, while burning fat more rapidly than traditional diets.
Q: Can I do the diet more than once?
A: Yes, you may continue with the diet and hCG drops, according to the protocol, until you reach your target weight.
Q: What is Homeopathy?
A: The word Homeopathy comes from two Greek words “homoios” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning disease or suffering. It is based on the law of “Likes Cure Likes” and was first formulated by the renowned German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1789. A minimal, homeopathic dose of a natural substance (plant, animal, or mineral) which would normally cause symptoms (such as poison ivy from exposure to the poison ivy plant) in a healthy person, when given to a sick person exhibiting those symptoms, will effect a cure. For example, this is why people can often take homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy plant) to cure their allergic reaction to poison ivy.
Q: Does diluting a substance make it less potent?
A: With the minimum dose, or law of infinitesimals, Hahnemann believed that a substance’s strength and effectiveness increased the more it was diluted. Minuscule doses were prepared by repeatedly diluting the active ingredient by factors of 10. A “6X” preparation (the X is the Roman numeral for 10) is a 1-to-10 dilution repeated six times, leaving the active ingredient as one part per million. Essential to the process of increasing potency while decreasing the actual amount of the active ingredient is vigorous shaking after each dilution. Some homeopathic remedies are so dilute, no molecules of the healing substance remain. Even with sophisticated technology now available, analytical chemists may find it difficult or impossible to identify any active ingredient. The homeopathic belief is that the substance has left its memory imprint or "essence" that stimulates the body to heal itself. What is this "memory imprint"? Homeopaths say it is electromagnetic waves of the active ingredient it once contained. They say that vigorous shakings between each dilution make this memory possible.
Q: How safe is Homeopathy?
A: Homeopathic remedies are a unique, potentised energy medicine, drawn from the plant, mineral and animal worlds. They are diluted to such a degree that not one molecule of the original substance can be detected. They work by gently boosting the natural energy of the body, and are very safe, even for pregnant and sensitive patients. There is no danger of addiction or toxicity.
Q: Does HCG Fusion need to be refrigerated?
A: NO. HCG Fusion does not need to be refrigerated because it is homeopathic and mixed with colloidal mineral water as part of its liquid medium. HCG Fusion contains NO alcohol! However, HCG Fusion should not be exposed to the sun or extreme heat.
Q: How long is the program?
A: We have 3 different diet programs, depending on how much weight you want to lose. We have a 14-day program, a 25-30 day program, and a 43 day program. You should never go longer than 43 days in a cycle, however you can repeat the diet after being off the drops for at least 6 weeks.
Q: After losing the weight will I keep it off?
A: You should, as long as you follow the protocol. The 3-week Maintenance Cycle (Phase 3) is critical to resetting your metabolism and keeping the weight off. Make sure to complete the entire Maintenance Cycle. The HCG diet is more than just losing weight, it's about creating a healthier lifestyle and making better food choices. If you go back to the same eating habits you had before, your chances of gaining the weight back increase.
Q: What about my regular medications?
A: As with any weight loss program, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning the protocol.
Q: Will I be hungry while I am on the hCG protocol?
A: Most people find that even on the low-calorie diet, their hunger is restricted to the time just before they are about to eat anyway. The way that the hCG works ensures that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs from your fat stores. You can be very creative about how you can use your daily calories.
Q: Will I feel tired or lethargic while my caloric intake is so low?
A: Because your body is receiving good nutrition from your fat stores, you may actually feel more energized. Some people actually feel a sense well-being or even slight euphoria while on the protocol.
Q: What are the ingredients in HCG Fusion?
A: HCG (Human chorionic Gonadotropin), adrenal, liver, thyroid, fat metabolizer, vitamin B-12, fat metabolizer, Mag Phos cell salts, Nat phos cell salts, L-Arginine, L-Omithine, L-Lysine, and Acetyl L-Carnitine, all in potencies of 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, and 60x, in a colloidal mineral water base
Q: I am a vegetarian! Can I do the HCG diet?
A: Yes. Vegetarians can have great success with the HCG diet. Weighing and monitoring your foods is the key here. There are some great protein substitutes such as boca burgers and tofu. Egg whites and cottage cheese (100 grams) can also be substituted as protein but not suggested to replace every protein with egg whites.
Q: Is there anything I can use as a sugar substitute?
A: Yes. Stevia or Truvia can be found in most supermarkets and are great sugar substitutes. They are 100% natural and allowed on the HCG diet. You can find it in many different flavors as well and it is carried by most grocery stores. Do NOT use other sugar substitutes such as Splenda, and avoid anything with aspartame.
Q: What if I cheated on the diet? Do I start all over again with my binging days?
A: No, you do not need to start over. Just continue the next day with the diet. Don’t get discouraged.
Q: When and how often should I weigh myself?
A: Checking your weight on day 3 or at phase II is best. Everyone deserves to see their progress. Weigh yourself in the mornings, after you have emptied your bladder with no clothes or very little clothes. During Phase III (maintenance) you will want to weigh yourself every day to make sure you do not have large fluctuations in weight while your body is stabilizing.
Q: Is this "real" hCG?
A: Yes. Depending on what company you buy from, homeopathic hCG may be made from real, human hormone, or it may be manufactured synthetically. Do NOT settle for cheap substitutes, as they may contain synthetic hCG or animal DNA. HCG Fusion is made from only the highest quality, professional-grade raw materials available.
Q: Where does your hCG come from?
A: Our hCG is manufactured, bottled and safety-sealed in an FDA-Certified facility here in the United States. Our hCG is obtained with a medical license from the manufacturer.
Q: Is it ok to skip a meal or protein at one of my meals?A: No, you don't ever want to skip any of your meals. Its important to eat all of your 500 calories and especially your protein so that you only lose fat and not muscle.
Do I Need to Exercise While I'm on the HCG Diet?
Light exercise is recommended, but not required. Our suggestion for those who want to exercise is that you walk for 20 to 30 minutes each day. Walking is great exercise and contributes to your health in a number of different ways. It helps relieve stress, keeps the bowels moving, conditions your cardiovascular system, and promotes better blood/oxygen circulation. On a 500 calorie diet, intense exercise can make you exhausted, which in turn, can just cause frustration and unnecessary stress. When you are finished with the HCG diet regimen and are back on a regular diet you can then pick up the intensity of your regular exercise routines.
Our HCG program is a set cost regardless if you choose the 23 day program or the 43 day program. This onetime cost includes:
· HCG (2oz bottle) with added amino acids and B vitamins to maximize your weight loss and provide you with energy
· Initial consultation with our Complete Wellness Consultant
· Complete set of before and after photographs
· Complete set of weekly progress measurements
· Weekly progress consultations
· Extra support and mentorship as needed (help is always just a phone call away)
· Food journal
· HCG Proper Cooking Instruction
· One FREE Infrared Sauna Session
· One FREE Ionic Detoxifying Treatment
· Continued support after the program
All for the introductory rate of $200.00
Information provided has not been reviewed by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to replace or circumvent the advice of your personal physician or health care professional. No claim or opinion on this website is intended to be, or should be construed to be, medical advice or a substitute for professional medical advice. No intent to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease is implied or intended. We make no claims about specific products and any information contained herein is personal opinion only and should not be construed as medical advice in any way. The information contained on this website is provided for information purposes only. No information or opinion contained herein is intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice relative to your specific medical condition. You should always speak with a health care professional before taking or using any dietary, nutritional, weight loss, herbal supplement or any other product. We recommend you visit your doctor and discuss your health needs before beginning any diet or exercise program. Views and experiences notated here are based on the protocol of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, MD. Any and all forum discussions will default to Dr. Simeons HCG + very low calorie protocol.* * * We do NOT sell prescription HCG. It is prescribed by a doctor, dispensed by a pharmacist and administered by injections. We sell Homeopathic HCG drops. No prescription required. HCG Homeopathic is administered by drops under the tongue. Homeopathic remedies are approved by the FDA.
We at hcgfusioncom do not claim that HCG can alter fat or weight loss alone, but according to doctors in other countries, using HCG with a particular protocol will result in loss of fat and weight by stimulating the hypothalamus gland. There have never been any proven side effects of HCG while using it for weight loss. HCG is still administered in clinics for fertility treatments, so if it is safe as fertility drugs, then HCG must be safe enough for weight loss treatments as well.
PLEASE NOTE: The law requires this statement be posted:
The FDA has not approved HCG for weight loss.
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